Crashes Data

Crashes data includes crash event level details such as location - the Lat/Long of the nearest intersection, A and B street names, with distance and direction of the crash from nearest intersection, etc... It also includes crash level details like weather and roadway conditions, and time of day. Also included are the involved party (vehicle involved with), primary collision factor and severity of injury in terms of fatalities, and severe, moderate and minor injuries per crash.

The vehicles data includes the vehicle level details of the crash such as vehicle types, driver's (vehicle, party) age and sex, driver conditions and violations proceeding the crash, etc...

There is a one to many relationship that needs to be built that relates the crash to the vehicles involved. (i.e. there are an average of 2.07 vehicles/parties involved per crash)

Match the Crash name in vehicle data to the Name in the Crash data to relate the two sets of data.

Data and Resources

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Contact Name Open Data Team
Contact Email [email protected]
Last Updated July 22, 2024, 05:30 (UTC)